#Tony Unger #Tonyunger.com #Scans all AD servers for Shares #50 servers at a time #Will Prompt for creds $i =0 import-module activedirectory cls $creds = Get-Credential $myCol = @() $Domain = "microsoft.com" $Servers = Get-ADComputer -server $Domain -Filter {(OperatingSystem -Like "Windows Server*")-and (enabled -eq "true")} -Property SamAccountName | Select -expand Name $scriptblock = { param( [string]$server, $creds ) Get-WmiObject Win32_Share -ComputerName $server -Credential $Creds | select * } foreach($server in $Servers){ $i++ $running = @(Get-Job | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Running' }) Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering computer info" -status "Currently on $server -- $i of $Servers.count" -percentComplete ($i / $Servers.count*100) if ($running.Count -le 50) { Start-Job -ScriptBlock $scriptblock -Name $server -ArgumentList $server, $creds } else { $running | Wait-Job } } while ($running.Count -ge 1) { sleep 1 $running = @(Get-Job | Where-Object { $_.State -eq 'Running' }) } foreach ($job in Get-Job ){ $recjobs = Receive-Job -Keep -Job $job foreach ($recjob in $recjobs){ $Detail = New-Object PSObject $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty Name $recjob.name $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty Path $recjob.path $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty Server $recjob.__SERVER $myCol += $Detail } } $myCol $myCol | export-csv -Path c:\TEMp\shares\output.csv -notype
These are just random notes and programs that may have incomplete descriptions. Any scripts or programs use at your risk
Thursday, July 9, 2015
Powershell: Jobs - Search for shares in ad windows servers
Job script to search for shares in a active directory environment.
Update $Domain to your domain and run
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