#Recycle COM+ Application and write to the event log the status # 1.0 Release # Run script locally # Write to the event log ######################################## #Configurable ######################################## #Com+ ApplicationName $ComPlusLikeAppName = "Put the name of Com+ Application here a like statement is used to eval so you can get away with putting part of it" #EventLog to write to. $eventlog = "Application" #Source for eventlog. $source = "RecycleComObject" #Successful Event ID $SEventID = 0 #Error Event ID $EEventID = 666 #Process that COM+ runs under $process = "dllhost.exe". ######################################## #Clear $CurrentMemory = $null $PRocessID = $null $Commandline = $null $GUID = $null $AppID = $null $Message = $null $ConvertedMemory = $null $CheckProcessID= $null #Clear errors $ErrorMsg = $null $error.clear() #Create event source for writing to the eventlog if does not already exist. if(![System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::SourceExists($source)) { [System.Diagnostics.EventLog]::CreateEventSource($source , $eventlog); } $RecycleReason = 1 $comAdmin = New-Object -com COMAdmin.COMAdminCatalog $applist = $comAdmin.GetCollection("Applications") $applist.Populate() $AppID = $applist | where {$_.Name -like "*$ComPlusLikeAppName*"} | select -expand key #Find Process ID $Commandline = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name = '$process'" | select ProcessID,CommandLine $ProcessID = $Commandline | where {$_.Commandline -like "*$AppID*"} | Select -expand ProcessID #If two process with the same GUI assume dllhost is in middle of recycle if ($ProcessID.count -gt 1){ $Message = "Please wait up to 15 minutes(default) as there are two PID with the same $AppID" Write-EventLog -LogName $eventlog -Source $source -EventId $SEventID -EntryType Information –Message $Message exit } # #Get GUID from Process ID $GUID = $comAdmin.GetApplicationInstanceIDFromProcessID($ProcessID) #GetCurrentMemory $CurrentMemory = get-process -id $ProcessID | select -ExpandProperty "PrivateMemorySize" #Event Messages write-host "Process ID:$ProcessID" Write-host "ApplicationID:$AppID" write-host "GUID:$GUID" $ConvertedMemory = [math]::truncate($CurrentMemory / 1MB) Write-Host "CurrentMemory:$ConvertedMemory" try { $comAdmin.RecycleApplicationInstances($GUID,$RecycleReason) } catch { #If error is caught $ErrorMsg = [system.exception]"caught a system exception `n $error" } Finally { start-sleep -seconds 5 #Check if there is an increase in the amount of PID $Commandline = Get-WmiObject Win32_Process -Filter "name = '$process'" | select ProcessID,CommandLine $CheckProcessID = $Commandline | where {$_.Commandline -like "*$AppID*"} | Select -expand ProcessID $NewProcessID = $CheckProcessID | where {$_ -notlike "*$ProcessID*"} write-host "NewProcessID:$NewProcessID" $Message = " Process ID:$ProcessID `n ApplicationID:$AppID `n GUID:$GUID `n MemoryBeforeRecycle:$ConvertedMemory MB `n New Process ID:$NewProcessID" if($ErrorMsg -ne $null){ $Message += $ErrorMsg Write-EventLog -LogName $eventlog -Source $source -EventId $EEventID -EntryType error –Message $Message exit } if ($ProcessID -eq $null -or $AppID -eq $null -or $GUID -eq $Null -or $ConvertedMemory -eq $null -or $NewProcessID -eq $null) { Write-EventLog -LogName $eventlog -Source $source -EventId $EEventID -EntryType error –Message "$Message `n Value Missing" exit } else { Write-EventLog -LogName $eventlog -Source $source -EventId $SEventID -EntryType Information –Message $Message } }
These are just random notes and programs that may have incomplete descriptions. Any scripts or programs use at your risk
Tuesday, April 21, 2015
Powershell - Com+ Application Recycle
Needed a script to recycle a com+ application nightly and this is what i came up with.
This script will write each recycle it does to the event log under application.
Run locally or via a scheduled task.
Sunday, April 5, 2015
Windows 10 - ox80073cff Mail, Calendar, and People apps won't install
- In this build, the Mail, Calendar, and People apps may be broken due to a licensing issue with the Store Beta. To get these apps working again, you need to follow these steps:
- Open powershell as administrator
- Run the command Get-appxprovisionedpackage –online | where-object {$_.packagename –like “*windowscommunicationsapps*”} | remove-appxprovisionedpackage –online
- Re-install Mail, People and Calendar from the Store (green tile)
If you now get this error 0x80246007 try running: from and administrator command prompt
DISM /Online /Cleanup-Image /RestoreHealth
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Here is an excel document I created that will ping a list of nodes in column A and give results in column B. There are much better tools th...
Running solidcore you may run into a problem where you have to disable it with out using epo or the local CLI Here are the steps. ...
#reads event logs for filter and exports to $Date = (Get-Date).AddMinutes(-30) $LogName = 'Security' $ProviderName = "Microsof...