Purpose: This script will search AD for Windows Servers that are enabled and attempted to connect to each server and get a listing of all services and the accounts used to run them.
Note: This will take a while to run unless someone wants to make it multithreaded.
I just wrote this so there may need to be some bug fixes but in general it seemed to work.
Requirements: RSAT tools WMI
Import-Module activedirectory cls $ServicesReport = @() $AllServers = Get-ADComputer -Filter {(OperatingSystem -Like "Windows Server*")-and (enabled -eq "true")} -Property SamAccountName | select -expand Name $i = 0 foreach($Server in $AllServers) { $i++ Write-Host "Working on Server: $Server " $i " of " $AllServers.Count try { if (Test-Connection -ComputerName $Server -Quiet) { $Services = Get-WmiObject win32_service -ComputerName $Server | select Name, @{N="StartupType";E={$_.StartMode}}, @{N="ServiceAccount";E={$_.StartName}}, @{N="SystemName";E={$_.Systemname}} foreach ($Service in $Services) { $Detail = New-Object PSObject $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty ServiceName $($Service.Name) $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty StartupType $Service.StartupType $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty ServiceAccount $Service.ServiceAccount $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty SystemName $Service.Systemname $ServicesReport += $Detail } } } Catch { $Detail = New-Object PSObject $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty ServiceName "NA" $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty StartupType "NA" $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty ServiceAccount "Error" $Detail | Add-Member Noteproperty SystemName $Server $ServicesReport += $Detail } } $ServicesReport | Export-Csv -Path c:\temp\test.csv -NoTypeInformation
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