I needed a way get raw disk mappings from a vmware vm to the lun it is using on a netapp filer. One thing that needs to be edited is the SearchFilers function. Just add your runtime names and what filers they correspond to.Run this from powercli. and this requires the dataontap module which you can get from your now.netapp.com site Note: this script could be improved by gather all lun information from each filer instead of what i did the in the search filer function
param([string]$VC) Import-Module DataONTAP ######################### ####Tony Unger ######################### #################Functions############################################## function GetNetappPath([string]$VMHost,[string]$VMHDLunID,[string]$RuntimeName) { $stor = get-view (Get-VMHostStorage -VMHost $VMHost) $IscsiWWN = $stor.StorageDeviceInfo.HostBusAdapter | where {$_.GetType().Name -eq "HostInternetScsiHba"} | Select -First 1 -expandproperty IScsiName Write-Host "Found ISCSI NAME: $IscsiWWN on Host $VMHost" $c = SearchFilers $IscsiWWN $RuntimeName Write-Host "Netapp path: $c" return $c } function SearchFilers([string]$IscsiWWN,[string]$RuntimeName){ switch -wildcard ($RuntimeName) { #Add all you runtime names here with what filer "vmhba40:C0:T0*" {$NetappFiler = "x.x.x.x"} default {Write-host "Error! determining filer - $RuntimeName not found";read-host} } Write-host "Connecting to $NetappFiler" connect-nacontroller $NetappFiler | out-null $Igroup = get-nalun | Get-Nalunmap | Select Name,Initiators | Where {$_.Initiators -like $IscsiWWN} | Select -First 1 -expandproperty Name $a = get-nalunbyigroup $Igroup $VMHDLunID | Select -ExpandProperty Path Write-Host "SearchFilers function: $a" $a = "$NetappFiler$a" return $a } #################Functions############################################## ######################## $PathtoCSV = "C:\temp\VMlunID.csv" ######################## If ($VC){$strVC = $VC} ELSE{$strVC = Read-Host "What is the Vcenter hostname?"} If (!$strVC){Write-Host "Error: Vcenter not entered";exit} Connect-VIServer -Server $strVC #Enter your vCenter Server "Hostname,DiskID,CapacityG,HD Path,ScsiCanonicalName,LunID,ESX Host,Netapp Path" > $PathtoCSV Write-Host "Getting VM Information from Vcenter. This can take awhile based on how many VM you have" $Disks = Get-VM | Get-HardDisk | Where {"RawPhysical","RawVirtual" -contains $_.DiskType} Write-Host "Completed getting VM Information from Vcenter" Write-Host "" Write-Host "Querying SCSI Information for Vcenter" #Adding all hosts Canonicalnames and runtimes names to a hash table #thanks http://communities.vmware.com/people/LucD $lunTab = @{} Get-VMHost | Get-ScsiLun | %{ $lunTab.Add($_.VMHost.Name + $_.CanonicalName, $_.RuntimeName) } Write-Host "Completed SCSI Information for Vcenter" Foreach ($Disk in $Disks) { $VMName = $Disk.Parent write-host "VM Name: $VMName" $VMHDname = $Disk.Name write-host "Hard drive ID: $VMHDname" $VMCapacityGB = $Disk.capacityGB write-host "Lun Capacity(GB): $VMCapacityGB" $VMHDPath = $Disk.filename write-host "RAW VMDK Path: $VMHDPath" $VMScsiCanonicalName = $Disk.ScsiCanonicalName write-host "$ScsiCanonicalName: $VMScsiCanonicalName" $VMHost = Get-VM $VMName | Select -ExpandProperty VMHost write-host "ESX Host: $VMHost" $RuntimeName = $lunTab[$VMHost.Name + $Disk.SCSICanonicalName] write-host "RuntimeName: $RuntimeName" $VMHDLunID = $RuntimeName.Substring($RuntimeName.LastIndexof(“L”)+1) Write-Host "LunID: $VMHDLunID" $NetappPath = GetNetappPath $VMHost $VMHDLunID $RuntimeName Write-host "PathtoNetapp: $NetappPath" $Combine = $VMName,$VMHDname,$VMCapacityGB,$VMHDPath,$VMScsiCanonicalName,$VMHDLunID,$VMHost,$NetappPath Write-Host "Writing to $PathtoCSV" $Combine -join "," >> $PathtoCSV }